Emergency Online Skills You Can Learn

Preparing for Emergency Online Learning

Taking up a new skill during the pandemic is a must-do. With unemployment on the rise, having a backup plan is not such a bad idea. While multiple companies have gone unscathed by the lockdown, even smaller companies, stores, and mom-and-pop businesses have gone upside down. It truly is a strange and unusual time. People have taken to the streets to ask for relief packages from their local and federal governments.

While locked up inside their homes, most decided to pursue other skill sets to keep themselves occupied. Boredom is a real thing during quarantine, and it doesn’t spare anyone. The pandemic has contributed to spikes in the rate of anxiety or depression compared to other years. Mental health is indeed deteriorating while the pandemic still rages on.

To keep their sanity in check, millions are opting to take up online classes. Even the ones from YouTube are getting a lot more view times compared to other years. The website is now seeing a surge of 98% more views. With nothing left to do, human nature still pointed to productivity.

What are some of the greatest skills you can learn online in a short amount of time as an emergency option when push comes to shove?


Web Development

Learning to program in coding languages is crème-de-la-crème when it comes to online skills. Aside from being one of the most notoriously convenient but hardest skills to learn remotely, it is one of the highest paying jobs right now. Being knowledgeable in Python, Java, JavaScript, and C++ learning languages can rake you an average of $55,000 per month. Most information technology companies also tend to skew in favor of working from home, so it will never be a problem with adjustment. Free online classes are readily available and accessible through the internet. Thousands of success stories of those without a degree can be gathered everywhere because of how lucrative this skill can bring you.



You do not need to have a degree to engage in a high paying advertising job. Marketing or advertising requires a mix of multiple skills that not everyone can acquire. Copywriting, for example, while easy to learn, can be difficult to master. Your skills at Photoshop and rudimentary graphic designing are skills most of the workers from the older generation do not have. Honing these skills through practice, trial, committing errors, and hard work will net you even more than what you are earning with your current job. Most marketing works engage newcomers for at least $34,000 per year. It is a far more stable job than most because the industry will never go away anytime soon. Also, most advertising businesses have opted to go work-from-home style. You can work from the comfort and safety of your own home.


Google Analytics

Being proficient in Google Analytics is one of the handy skills you can dig into. Google Analytics or Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a skill that most website developers look for to improve the quality and accessibility of their website. It can combine learning programming languages like HTML and CSS and educate you in the best practices of the web business. Through SEO, websites gain more advantage over similar websites. Websites that use SEO make their content more available and easier to view. With enough experience, being an SEO Analyst as a side job can net you around $55,000 per year.


Being locked up and anxious inside your home doesn’t have to be anxiety-inducing. Instead of worrying, put your time to good use, and prepare yourself for any eventuality that has a chance of happening. Learning new skills while at home is always a good idea. Who knows? Maybe you can find a new path to be passionate about.

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